
TODAS em Nós

DOCUMENTAL SERIES - in development -


TODASemNÓS is a series that addresses the condition of women outside of a traditional framework, presenting subversions, cunning and surprising female protagonism in the construction of their images - produced and intertwined from the Middle Ages in the West to contemporary social media. The story of the woman's image is much more disconcerting than we know.

Based on the work of Profa.Isabelle Anchieta - “Images of Women in the Modern West”


High-Flyers Committee

Costanza Pascolato

Maria Fernanda Cândido

Mônica Waldvogel

Barbara Sturm

Roberta Trabulsi

Paula Trabulsi

Technical Information


Director & Producer - Paula Trabulsi

Executive Producers - Roberta Trabulsi & Lia Pini

Screenplay Room

Profa. Isabelle Anchieta

Mônica Waldvogel

Paula Trabulsi